Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Most daffodils multiply quickly, making them one of the most dependable, and easiest of spring bulbs.Their ability to naturalize make them one of the most popular as well. I've found that they usually provide a bigger, more beautiful display of color each year.They need little attention, are not attractive to deer or other critters, and look good not only in large drifts, but some are suited to individual, or more formal plantings. There are large cup, trumpet, small cups, double, or split corneas, and even those with multi-blooms on one stem. There is probably a daffodil for your every need or desire for your flower bed or woodland garden. They look great planted around spring-flowering shrubs or trees, in moist, but well-drained soil. If planted under trees, that's okay, as the trees haven't leafed out enough to cause a shade problem. After flowering, leave the foliage on until it yellows. Now is the time to order your spring flowering bulbs, many at reduced prices.They will be delivered to your home at the correct time for planting in the fall. They make terrific floral arrangements alone, or mixed with early tulips or hyacinths.Their vase life is especially long. For a longer floral display, cut your daffodils early in the morning, before the flower has unfurled, then plunge in floral preservative and arrange.  

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