Friday, May 3, 2013


SINGLE LATE TULIPS, commonly known as Mayflowering tulips, are probably the most popular group of tulips. They are not only beautiful, but are very reliable bloomers, and are great planted en mass. They are the tallest I have, borne on long, strong stems measuring 30-36" tall. They are available in a large range of colors, and are wonderful for cutting and arranging. Their shapely blooms are long-lived and, when they open up, can be as large as 7" across!  I like TEMPLE OF BEAUTY and two of its sports--BLUSHING BEAUTY and PERESTROYKA.  Keep in mind, tulips are hardy in zones 3 to 8, and need good drainage. Tulip failure usually is the result of: (1) lack of sun, (2) their foliage has been removed before fully "ripening".  This ripening is what feeds the bulb for next year's bloom. (3) planting too shallowly.  Plant 6-8 inches deep, and cover them with mulch to help retain moisture. And (4) In warm climates, planting too early in the fall. Tulips need room to multiply, but can be planted quite closely, about 3-5" apart.They look especially good planted in groups of 5, 7, 9. Avoid the "soldier" look--planted in straight rows. A good way to get a "natural" look, is to toss them out, and where they land, plant. Single late tulips continue to bloom for years. When they get too crowded and the blooms are not as big, dig up in the fall, or even after their foliage is completely yellowed, and divide, then replant the biggest bulbs.

1 comment:

  1. Love spring flowers. Tulips are one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing. Marilyn Hilton
