Monday, May 20, 2013


After a slow start, I think the TALL BEARDED IRIS season is well on it's way here in the top of Utah. As of this morning, I have 24 of the 230 TB's in my garden blooming.  And, even though adverse weather conditions earlier in the year definitely had a bearing on their bloom, I am glad that there are buds on most of them, and, after dividing all but 4 last year, I only lost 4-5 rhizomes due to root rot.  It's interesting that most of those are newer introductions, which may indicate the older varieties are hardier, I'm not exactly sure.Time will tell, as I will replace those that I lost and will see their performance in the gardens next year.
Date Bait, Queen in Calico

Rose Tattoo, Chinese Treasure, Cupid's Arrow

Lullaby of Spring, Pond Lily, Sheer Bliss, Queen's Circle
Tiger Honey, First Interstate, Spiced Custard
Embrace Me, Proud Tradition, Above the Clouds
When arranging iris, peonies and poppies, choose stems that have mature beds, but not open.  I like cutting late in the day after the sun has gone down.  Cut on an angle and remove all leaves that will be in the water line. Plunge into water with floral preservative added.  Let sit overnight and arrange in the morning, making a new cut an inch up the stem. Poppy stems are best seared with a flame or I also cut up the stem by slicing into sections 1-2" up. This arrangement was done in the evening; this morning two iris are opening up.  The peonies and poppies will open up during the day. Remove spent blooms, when needed. Change the water every 3-4 days, if possible. Arrangements will last a week or more.  Put in a cool, dark place overnight for longer lasting results.
Poem of Ecstasy & Sunday Chimes iris, Pink Hawaiian Coral peony, 

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