Monday, June 24, 2013


Making floral arrangements for Independance Day is dependant on what flowers are available in the garden. It's interesting to see exactly what's flowering from year to year, which can vary quite a bit. Some years I have had quite a few blooms in red, white and blue, other times those colors are sparse. This year we are a little ahead of schedule in some plants because of very hot temperatures a few weeks ago, speeding up the bloom cycle of many of the plants I use. There have been years I could use the feathery blooms of my white Goat's Beard. I love it because it looks like fireworks going off. However, this year it was too old to use. Although still blooming, if cut, it wouldn't last a week, which is what I need to plan for. I  have also had some nice red gladiola--but  this year they weren't blooming  yet. If you make arrangements for the upcoming holiday,  I suggest  roses, delphinium, baby's breath, clematis, zinnias, lilies or, one year I had a beautiful late red peony still in bloom.  Make sure you have a variety, so you have a nice selection when the time comes.This year I had some red and white roses, and some bright blue delphinium which is what I used for this display.
Red Hybrid Tea Rose PORTLAND TRAILBLAZER, White hybrid Tea
Rose PISCALI, Blue Delphinium BLUE MIRROR

  • Cut in the evening after the sun has set
  • Remove all greenery below the water level of your vase, 
  • cut stem again at an angle under water, then immediately plunge into water that has a floral preservative in
  •  let sit in a dark, cool place overnight, then rearrange again, if needed, the next morning.  
  • NOTE:  recut under water on angle if you rearrange them.Change water every couple of days if able to do so, and keep in a cool, dark place at night if available, for longer vase life. 

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