The DINNER PLATE DAHLIAS have started to bloom. Combined with HYBRID TEA ROSES, STATE FAIR ZINNIAS, and colorful GLADIOLA, this arrangement pops with color. As always, cut blooms after the sun sets, or early in the morning before it comes out. Use a floral preservative, keep out of bright, direct light, and change the water every other day if possible. Dahlias typically are a bit harder to keep for a week. To make them last longer, cut stem, recut at an angle under water when arranging. Some people smash the stem at the bottom with a hammer, and others sear the bottom of the stem with a match. I've tried both ways, and had no better results than cutting after sunset, and immediately [plunging into water with a preservative, re cutting the stems under water. There are also certain varieties of dahlias that are mark "good for arranging--"they have longer stems. Which ever you do, the important thing is to cut when the center is still in the bud-stage, and using the preservative in the water.
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