Monday, November 3, 2014

ROSES AND MUMS - The last of the hybrid roses in a fall arrangement with decorative mums

I harvested the last of the roses and fall mums before the hard freeze that we had this week end. I keep them in a big bucket of treated water on the covered patio, or, if too cold, in the garage, until needed.The bright cream and pink-toned hybrid tea rose "DOUBLE DELIGHT", with baby miniature rose-colored buds, and dark bright pink hybrid tea "BOB HOPE" and the large decorative chrysanthemum "SEATONS J'DORE" make a pleasing presentation of bright colors. The mums will outlast the roses, but they can be pinched off and the arrangement will still look good.  As always, cut after dusk and use a floral preservative for a long lasting vase life.  

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at this lush arrangement that you were able to put together in November. Does this dentist realize what a deal he has? You are so talented and such a nice person too. I'm glad I know you
