Saturday, August 8, 2015

HERBACEOUS PEONIES - Tinkled pink in spring arrangements

Huge, fragrant blossoms of herbaceous peonies are especially noticed for their beautiful colors. The weekly arrangement of May 24 features these vibrant reds, glowing pinks, crimsons, and a lighter pink. With blooms as big as 8-10" across, some may need to be staked, but others are held high on strong stems. Their early bloom and their magnificent foliage that lasts through the fall, turning glorious shades of golds and bronzes, make them much sought-after plants for the garden.
When fully open, the tallest light pink bud will be a huge, 8" bloom, with literally hundreds of petals.  Others will be semi-full, and others will be singles.  There are 10 different varieties in this arrangement, and, while in the bud,- they look very similar, upon opening, they will have their individual look.  

A variety of herbaceous peonies makes a long-lasting bouquet that can last for up to 3 weeks.

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