Wednesday, September 9, 2015

GLADIOLAS - Long-lasting spikes for beautiful arrangements

What a difference a week makes in the garden! A week earlier, with no red in the garden, I had to purchase small button red carnations for the weekly arrangement. July 6th, however, there were beautiful, big, velvety dark red and pristine white gladiola. The bright blue bush delphinium, which blooms all summer and into fall, was still in bloom. Gladiola bloom from the bottom up, so choose stems that have color in the top blooms, and a few full blooms at the bottom. Cut early in the morning, before the sun is out, or after dusk in the evening. Cut stems as long as possible, then re-cut underwater, using a floral preservative. I make my arrangements in the evening using this method and then put it in a refrigerator used for arrangements, with the temperature set at 40 degrees.Arrangements like this will last over a week. To keep arrangements looking fresh and pleasing to the eye, pinch spent flowers off the glads, sometimes even making the stem shorter. 

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