Monday, September 7, 2015

LAVENDER AND LILIES - Spring Pinks and Purples

The arrangement for June 22nd contains the large, 6-8" medium clear pink LA lily, CAMELOT. It is one of the first lilies to bloom in my zone 6 garden. The 36" tall blooms have great substance, but no scent. ROYAL RESPECT, an Asiatic lily, 4-5" across, is pure white. The MUNSTEAD lavender, with its tiny violet-purple florets, has a wonderful scent, and lasts forever--either in arrangements or as a dried flower. Dried, it still has that wonderful aroma that reminds me of my childhood.  To dry, bunch stems together and tie with an elastic band, and dry upside down in a cool, dark place. I always arrange the blooms with several in bud stage, and others just opening. This ensures an extra-long vase life.

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