Fall mums bloom when the nights get longer because they need darkness to flower. The cool weather also helps with the bloom size, which will be larger, and color, which will be more intense, of these hardy beauties. (People wanting their mums to bloom earlier can spread a sheet over the plants for a time during the day to increase the time of darkness). I just let them bloom at their normal time, as they add such color and beauty to the fall months of October and November. These decorative, reflex and anemone varieties bloom primarily in late October and November in my zone 6. If necessary, I harvest the flowers in tight bud stage, and keep in water in a refrigerator in the garage until ready to use. For this arrangement, the buds had been harvested and in the refrigerator for three weeks.This arrangement will last upwards of 2-3 weeks more. Pretty amazing! The three varieties are Bill Holden (Reflex), Resomee (Decorative), and Prom Queen (Anemone). They can easily reach 8" across if the side laterals or branches are removed, or disbudded, one to a stem. I mulch these during the winter months, after the stalks are cut back to the ground after harvesting.
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