Thursday, January 19, 2017


Red hybrid tea rose "Abraham Lincoln," white daisy "Esther Read," and Asiatic lilies "Red Alert" and "Olina Eyemaster" and white "Royal Respect" with true blue bush delphinium make a colorful and patriotic arrangement for the 4th of July holiday.

Some years I didn't have white roses all month long, so I planted early blooming white Asiatic lilies. They, along with my favorite daisy, Esther Read, which was a transplant more than 40 years ago from my Grandmother's garden, always give me the white that I need. I've also used white clematis in years past--it just depends what is blooming the day I need them.

I snip off the stamens from the white lilies--this keeps the petals white (no falling pollen on them), and also increases their longevity in the arrangement.  However, in some arrangements, the stamens add some real beauty.

I'm always happy for July to roll around, and anxious to see what is blooming for the arrangement.

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