Saturday, June 5, 2010


This season of TULIPS 2010, although damaged by a hard hail storm, have been beautiful in the beds.  I am in the last days of cleaning out the beds, making room for the perennials to grow and bloom.  I fertilize them with a quick-release ferilizer in early, early, spring, and then again with a good dutch bulb fertilizer when I cut the foliage down.  (I can't wait for the leaves to yellow  naturally because of the number of plants in the beds, so this enables the bulbs to continue to grow and be healthy for next year).  This has proven satisfactory, and I continue to get large, tall tulips.  My very favorite are the double Peony  Angelique and Lilac Perfection tulips,  30-36" tall single late Blushing Lady and Temple of Beauty tulips, Flaming and Apricot parrot tulips, Cream Upstar, Don Quixote and Big Smile.  Most of mine are mid-to-late varieties.

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