Saturday, June 19, 2010


We're going to a family reunion today and family members bring items to auction off to raise money for the family fund.  My family always requests my homemade caramel corn.  It's a soft, melt-in-your-mouth treat that is always a hit with them.  I don't know where I got the recipe--I've had it for years.  At any rate, here's the recipe for my favorite Caramel Corn:

1 Cup butter (2 cubes)
1 Cup light Karo syrup
2 Cups Brown Sugar, packed
1 Can Eagle Brand Condensed Milk
pinch of Salt
1 C unpopped popcorn
Combine all ingredients except popcorn and cook over medium high heat, stirring constantly (this burns easily, so make sure you stir constantly) until it reaches a soft ball stage (don't over-cook.   For a soft ball stage, Pour a half teaspoon caramel into a 1 cup measure with ice water and mold into a ball.  When it holds it shape, but is still very soft, it's done).  Pour over popped corn.  Cool on 2 large parchment-lined cookie sheets.  Pull apart and store in air-tight bags.  Makes about 6 quarts.
NOTE:  I use a microwave PRESTO POPCORN POPPER, and make 3 batches of 1/3 C each (so 1 Cup popcorn--I like the white popcorn best), with no oil.  I divide the popcorn after I have removed any "old maids" (unpopped kernels) into 2 large tupperware bowls.  I pour half the caramel into each of the bowls and fold it into the popped corn.  Keep folding until all is well-coated.  Pour out onto lined sheets.  Cool.  Pull apart and store into bags.  Keeps for about a week, if it lasts that long!


  1. Block rockin' beat! Yes, this recipe is awesome! I am a living witness of its' goodness. YUM~~~
