Friday, June 18, 2010


PERENNIALS make up most all of my garden beds.  The only annuals I plant are a few petunias and the plants that make up the pots on the patio and the hanging baskets.  I prefer perennials, plants that over-winter and re-emerge in the spring, because I don't have to buy new ones each year.  The biennials are plants that I usually take a start from my own, and so I don't need to keep re-purchasing them.  My favorite perennials are forget-me-nots, monarda, obedient plant, baby's breath, columbine, lupine, flax, echinacea, Jacob's ladder, delphinium and the many heuchera to choose from.  When a perennial starts up again in the spring, it marks the beginning of the gardening season.  They are the first blooms of spring, and continue on through the late fall, until frost.  Evergreen perennials add green  or sometimes burgundy or purple to the winter landscapes, as well.  There are perennials for every part of the garden--sun or shade, rich soil or a poor one.  There are many, many to choose from.  When you are making your choices, remember to match the plant to the site:  How much sun it will get, the kind of soil it will need, the amount of water it needs, how big the plant will get, and it's shape and color.  Over the years I have weeded out those plants that just didn't do as well, were too time-consuming, or ones that I just didn't absolutely love.  You'll probably need to do some experimenting--a plant may not like one area of your yard, but love another.  Move them around if you really want the plant, but it didn't do as well as you wanted.  Find out what kind of soil you have and amend it if necessary.  Most plants say that organic matter is good for their planting.  I amend my soil each spring and fall with top soil plus, a soil that has been amended with organic matter.   You can buy it by the bag, or the nursery will usually deliver it to your home for a minimal fee.  Leaf compost is a good way to amend your soil, as well.  Work it in your soil well before planting.  Spring is probably my favorite time of the year.  When plants begin to break their dormancy and emerge is so neat!  From then on, keeping things dead-headed, cut back, staked, mulched, weeded, watered and pest and fungal controlled are busy times.  If you have limited time, make sure you plant things that don't require a lot of attention; there are many to choose from.  Late fall is a good time to prepare your soil for your spring gardening.   The better you leave your garden in the fall, the easier and better it will be in the spring.  Bring an arrangement in every week to further enjoy your blooms.   Enjoy these next months in your gardens.  I know I will!

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