Monday, August 30, 2010


Sunday I had a nice surprise in the upper bed that I just had to share!  My newest hibiscus, Jazzberry Jam, finally bloomed for the first time!  It is an absolutely beautiful bright, dark pink bloom; huge, at 10" across, it's wonderful!  I've been waiting a long time for the bloom--I ordered it more than a year ago.  My first root, planted in fall of '09, failed, and so I had to wait until spring of 2010 to plant a replacement.  Well, it's been growing, and it's first blooms blossomed Sunday morning.  I took these shots Sunday night, as they only last a day.  Luckily, they have multiple buds on them, and will last for quite some time.  These plants like full sun, although this one has dappled sunlight part of the day, and maybe that is why it's bloomed a little later.  It could also be that this is its first bloom.  At any rate, I love it and can't wait for  other blooms!

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