Sunday, August 29, 2010


Garden Phlox (P. paniculata) is one of the classic perennial plants for beds and borders.  (Don't confuse this with the low-growing phlox used as a ground cover).  Garden Phlox is the more demanding of the two to grow, but new resistant cultivars have made this perennial much more desirable for gardeners to grow in their gardens.  If you're planting Phlox, I would highly recommend to get those varieties that are resistant to powdery mildew.  They grow in full sun, or even partial shade.  Of course, as with most all perennials, they like evenly moist soil.  Deadheading prolongs bloom time, and also prevents self-sowing.  (Be aware that named cultivars don't come true from seed--in fact, seedlings will not be attractive and could actually take over your good cultivar).  Tall phlox will probably need staking, and do so early in the summer before stems get more than a foot or so.  They should be divided about every 2-3 years in fall or early spring.  Planting can be done in either fall or spring, as well.  Choose a site with good air circulation.  I cut mine down in late fall to 3 inches.  Phlox looks especially nice with hostas, ferns, lungworts, spring bulbs, bleeding hearts and Jacob's ladder.  I have a variegated phlox, which has striking variegated foliage.  I had others, but since they are so prone to get powdery mildew I took them out.  If I replace them, I will surely buy resistant cultivars.  They are a nice addition to the garden! 

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