Friday, August 27, 2010


As the summer winds down, and school has started up again, I'm glad that the temperature promises to be cooler next week. I look back on the season with mixed emotions.  Spring had its share of cold weather, hail storms and high winds, but the garden fared quite well.  Summer has seemed long and hot, and some of the plants are showing a little stress.  Other plants are being eaten up by grasshoppers, and that makes me sad.  However, all in all, it has been a pretty good year.  The lilies, iris, peonies, poppies, tulips and daffodils, delphinium, hibiscus, gladiola, clematis, monarda, roses and it looks like the mums (because they haven't bloomed yet) have been wonderful! The dahlias will get better now that the weather is beginning to cool a bit.  I look forward to working to get things ready for next spring.  I will be planting some bulbs and a few perennials this fall.  I always look forward to this time of year--the beginning of the cooler weather.  I plan on enjoying it to the max!

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