Saturday, August 28, 2010


Maybe you've heard the common name for Eustoma, or Lisianthius--TEXAS BLUEBELL.   I had never even seen one until about 6 years ago, and I instantly fell in love with Lisianthius.  It comes in shades of pinks, whites and blues, and also variegated of those tones.  It blooms from June through October, and is about 6-18" tall, depending on the cultivar.  It needs full sun.  It is very difficult to grow from seed, so I've always purchased plants and planted them after the last frost date in the spring.  They look like a rose.  They tolerate hot, dry conditions, and one thing I like about them is that they produce good cut flowers.  I pinch mine back for a bushier shape when I plant them.  You may need to stake them, because they tend to fall over easily.  I especially like the grandiflorum cultivars Heidi, Lisa and Mermaid.   There are a few annuals that I will take the time and trouble to buy, and Lisianthius is one of them.  I have found a couple mail-order companies that have a great variety of Lisianthius, but if I can buy them from local nurseries, that's where I prefer to buy them.  Luckily, I have such a nursery close by, and they promise to keep a good selection because of the recent popularity of this beautiful plant.  If you ever come across it, I highly recommend it for your sun garden! 

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