Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Now that all the beds have been 'put to bed' and the cold weather has arrived, I'm dreaming of spring blooms already.   This collage shows some favorite flowers in my garden from last spring that will be blooming in the beds in just 4 months (that sounds like such a long time).  There couldn't be a more perfect time for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Valentine's Day--it will be a great 4 months, and it will go quickly!  The Farmer's Almanac predicts a milder winter this year.  We'll just have to see.  In order for the spring bulbs to do well, they need a cooling period, so I want enough snow and cold for them, but I don't want a freezing and heavy hailing spring like last year.  My lilacs never did leaf out, which was very strange, indeed.  I've never heard of that happening.  Gardeners have to roll with the weather, though, and we have to take what Mother Nature gives us.

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