Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In planning out your beds, think first what the conditions are--sun, shade, dry, moist, etc.  Then think what color combinations you want to use, and decide on the perennials, or, what annuals would be best in the areaDig down deeply and overturn the soil,  and then amend it with a good top soil plus, that has compost added.  Place plants according to height, taller plants in the back of the bed, shorter ones in front.  Three levels look especially pleasing.  Make sure you leave enough room for their growth, a common mistake gardeners make.  When I plant, I like to dig the hole, fill it with water, let it drain, then place the plant, or root in the hole, and fill in with nice soil.  Some plants like a handful of bone meal or super triple phosphate added.  Always mix this with the soil, then water in well.  Keep an eye on them, and see that they are watered enough during the first week or two, being sure not to over-water, though, to give them a good start.  Good preparation will most always get good results; you'll have less failures, and produce strong  and beautiful blooms.  I like to change my beds once in a while--revitalize old plants by division, replace others with cultivars that are more disease resistant, or ones that I think will look better.  This fall I transplanted several perennials, and took some out.  In the spring I will also be dividing some that do best with early spring divisions--my hosta, in particular.  In perennial gardening, there are always adjustments, divisions or transplanting to be done--that's one of the things that makes it so much fun!  

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