Monday, November 15, 2010


I told a friend I'd share my favorite recipe for PUMPKIN BREAD.  I've tried several pumpkin bread recipes over the years--and kept searching until I found this one, and I've stayed with it for quite a few years now.  I like it because it's not greasy or dry, like some pumpkin breads I've tasted.  It's moist, heavy, and adapts easily with the addition of nuts, chocolate chips, or both, which I love to add.  Some recipes are a little too spicy for me, with the addition of too much cloves or allspice.  This one is spiced just right, and I recommend it to you.  It's easy to double, triple, or quadruple, as I often do.  When baking with nuts, some whole walnuts pressed into the top before baking makes a nice presentation.  My family especially likes it with chocolate chips.  I use milk chocolate, but if you prefer semi-sweet, that would work as well.  I've made it with chopped walnuts, or chopped pecans--either are good.  Flour is such a variable--so you might want to adjust the flour.  I'm in a high elevation area, so I add more flour, as I state in the recipe.  The cinnamon is also to taste.  This time of year, there is nothing quite so comforting as entering a house with the aroma of a nice, fresh loaf of pumpkin bread baking!     Ummmm!

3 to 3 1/2 Cup flour (high altitude use 3 1/2)
2 teaspoon soda
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 to 2 teaspoon cinnamon, depending on taste.  (I use a generous 1 1/2 teaspoon)
1 teaspoon nutmeg
3 Cup sugar
1 Cup oil
4 eggs
2/3 Cup water
2 Cup canned pumpkin
1/2 lb coarsely chopped nuts (opt)
1 11-oz. bag milk chocolate Guittard maxi chips (opt)

Sift dry ingredients together.  Set aside.  Beat together eggs, oil, water and pumpkin.  Add dry ingredients and stir until well blended.  Fold in chopped nuts and chocolate chips, if desired.  Divide into 2 bread loaf pans that have been prepared with parchment paper or waxed paper.  (Or, if you're making smaller loaves, fill 2/3 the way full for 4-6 loaves, or as much as the recipe makes).  Bake at 350 degrees for about 40-60 minutes, (less for smaller loaves) depending on your oven, just until a toothpick comes out clean.  (I set the timer for 40, check it, and if not done, keep checking it every 3-4 minutes. The smaller loaves you'll want to set your timer for 25-30 minutes and then keep checking on it with a toothpick test just until they are done.  (After you bake it once, check the time and make a note of it so you'll know for future bakings).  Be careful not to OVER BAKE!  When done, turn out onto a cooling rack and cool.   This is delicious warm.  If there are any leftovers, I keep mine in the refrigerator to keep it moist and fresh.  This also freezes well for several months. 

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