Sunday, November 14, 2010


As I've said numerous times, I'm an Iris lover--tall bearded, especially.  Among the things I love about them is that they represent all the colors in the rainbow, except true red.  They are exceptionally hardy and easy to grow.   They are water-wise, and in my area, very disease resistant.  They multiply annually, and are easy to divide.  But, the thing I love about them most is their beauty.  Their perfect form, delicate standards, ruffled falls, tall, ram-rod stems and beautiful colors add up to qualify them as one of the most beloved flowers in my beds; I am already counting the days until they bloom! I don't have the room to grow iris that some iris enthusiasts do, so I integrate mine into my beds by colors, and they are interspersed throughout the yard in 9 different beds--161 of them at last count.  However, I know people who have as many as 350.  They have the room to have them in nice, big clumps in an area where they can plant them nice straight rows--many of them!   To see them in bloom is  absolutely amazing in the spring!  But whether you can grow them as they do, or have to as I do, there is no argument that these beauties look good in a number of places--in rows in one big iris bed, or mixed with other blooms throughout the yard.  One color in iris that I especially love is pink.  One of my favorite beds is a pink bed, with 24 iris in complimentary shades of pinks, roses, wines and magenta's . Another favorite are some beds in the front with a mix of pink, with blue, white, and a splash of light yellow; I love those colors together. There are several companies that carry tall bearded iris--and, although the time for ordering and planting is far over, you can still go to their sites and view their catalogs and dream of next year!  Some offer free catalogs, or catalogs for a minimal price.  Among the companies I like are Schreiner's, Cooley's, Nola's Iris Garden, Sandhollow Iris, Bluebird Haven, Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden, Sutton's Iris Gardens, and Iris 4 U Iris Gardens.   

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