Sunday, July 17, 2011


This last spring, because of the unusually warm climate in fall, then extremely cold temperatures in the teens for a few days around Thanksgiving, we had problems with many of our trees, shrubs and perennials.  The hybrid tea roses took an exceptionally hard hit.  They suffered winter kill, and all their canes were dead.  Many people replaced their hybrid teas. Well, to make a long story short, I have patiently waited for new canes to start growing. What I was waiting for is that if the new canes grew above the graft, they would be the hybrid rose, but if it was below the graft, it would be the insignificant wild rose.  They are like new rose bushes, so are not full and big like before, but so far, luckily, every rose that has bloomed is the original color.  I'm glad I didn't dig them up; and, even though it's taken much longer to get to the point they're at presently, their blooms have been lovely. Here are a few of the roses that are blooming in the rose bed at the Spicker gardens. 

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