Saturday, October 22, 2011


When I think of the spring beds, in all their glory, it makes me want to do all I can this fall to prepare the beds for maximum success next spring.  This includes cleaning up all debris, amending the soil where necessary, removing any dead or diseased plants, making sure all soaker hoses are in good condition, repairing or replacing any if needed, mulching any plants that might need it over the cold winter months, and dividing or transplanting any perennials that have overgrown their place in the garden, or that might do better in another area.  I've moved 3 or 4 plants this past week, and will cut down the hosta and peonies in the next month.  The dahlias will need to be lifted after the first killing frost.  New mums will need to be mulched well, as well as some new lilies I have just planted.  Good preparations in fall will have big pay offs come next spring.  Additionally, a good clean up in fall means an easier clean up in spring.

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