Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The hybrid Tea Roses are always beautiful in the fall, and will continue for about a month, or until the temperatures get colder.  This year has been hard on roses; they didn't get "hardened off" last fall, due to unusually warm temperatures in fall, and then a freeze on Thanksgiving, dipping to single digits in some areas.  It also affected all the viburnums, ivy, many trees and shrubs, like hydrangea.  To help your roses get ready for the winter months, stop all fertilizing, and deadheading.  Let your spent blooms go to seed,  and avoid cutting them.  I did my last arrangement using roses today--and now I will let them go.  Don't do your major pruning in the fall, a common mistake of many.  Instead, if the canes are high, you can cut them a bit; I cut mine to 4 feet, keeping them even with my fence.  This protects them from whipping around in the wind, or breaking down from the snow during the winter.  Then in spring, right when you can see the swelled buds for leafing out, prune them.  I usually give quite a hard prune in the spring, pruning to about 12" or so.  If you want blooms quicker, however, don't prune as harshly.  Roses have always been a favorite of mine; their sweet fragrance, each variety having their own unique scent, can fill a room with their aroma.  I especially love their vibrant blooms this time of year, when blooms are dwindling.

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