Wednesday, October 12, 2011


If you planted even one zucchini plant, you're probably like us: you have more zucchini than you know what to do with!  A tasty way to use that extra zucchini is to make this yummy zucchini bread. It can be frozen or is a great gift made up in small loaf pans for friends and neighbors. I usually quadruple the recipe, and make enough to eat, give away and freeze. Another thing you can do is to grate or grind the zucchini, and freeze in pre-measured quantities in Ziploc baggies to make at a later date.  (I like to grind it with my meat grinder--it doesn't get watery during the freezing process).  The bread freezes well up to a year, although it never lasts that long!
2 C sugar
1 C oil
3 eggs
2 C grated zucchini
2 teaspoons soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 Tablespoon vanilla
3 C flour
2 C coarsely chopped nuts (opt.)
1 large pkg milk or semi-sweet chocolate chips
Grate or grind zucchini.  Mix with oil.  Add sugar and beat. Add eggs and beat.  Add spices and dry ingredients except flour.  Mix well.  Add flour, stirring well.  Add nuts and chocolate chips.  Fill greased and floured, or parchment-lined loaf pans 2/3 full (any size you prefer). Bake at 325 degrees until done, about 45 minutes for the large ones, less for the smaller ones (you'll have to watch and test with a toothpick the first time to know). Turn out on rack to cool after baking. Store in refrigerator, freeze, or eat warm!

NOTE:  For several variations of this recipe, see my post of Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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