Monday, November 25, 2013


I harvested the hydrangeas on Halloween and kept them in a dry vase until I needed to arrange them this morning. I have three varieties, White, blue and pink.  They all dry a little different, but I have also found in using them in arrangements over the past 4 years that their dried color varies from year to year. I'm thinking it depends on the weather conditions for that year. This year they were a beautiful muted maroon with light lime green. Since they last so long, I was able to use some stems in today's arrangement from last year, which were green and a light, creamy tan. Two years ago they were a beautiful mauvy blue and purple--my favorite to date. They are striking in vases, as well as baskets or ceramic planters for fall arrangements. No need for water, of course, since they are already naturally dried on the stem.  Be sure you don't cut long stems, as hydrangeas bloom on both new and old wood, and you don't want to cut off next year's bloom. When I use them in planters or baskets like today, I use Styrofoam or oasis to keep them secure.They are fragile, so be careful when handling, but after you have completed your arrangement you'll find they can last for years. NOTE: Another beautiful way to display them is by attaching them to a wreath of your choice. Use a glue gun for a quick and easy decoration, keeping the big blooms close together.    

1 comment:

  1. What kind of hydrangeas do you grow in northern Utah that you get such great blooms? I haven't had a lot of luck with the Endless Summer or Forever and Ever varieties. Any tips that you would be willing to share?
