Monday, November 18, 2013


The last of the giant, or florist, mums are coming to a close here in the top of Utah. Next year I plan on getting some that bloom even later--so hopefully our weather will cooperate for the big, exciting, beautiful blooms. They are fragrant, easy to care for and grow, and have been resistant to any pests or problems the many years I've grown them. Another big reason I grow them is for their amazing long-lasting quality. Arrangements last for 4 plus weeks, and they seem to get better with age. I use a floral preservative, and have harvested them up to three weeks early in the bud stage and kept them in a cool garage until arranging. The arrangement I made today was harvested October 27--3 weeks ago! The SPIDER MUMS will continue to unfold, until their centers are big and full, and the tendrils with slender tube florets have tip ends notched and open as though they had burst, and can cascade down up to 4 inches. They are beautiful to behold! The REGULAR INCURVE yellow mum will continue to open up until a complete ball is formed, with florets closely incurving in a compact manner, with a smooth finish. Cultivars are grouped by the National Chrysanthemum Society (NCS) by bloom class number. These two come from medium plants (3-4 feet tall), and are classes 11A (Spider, large bloom) and 3B (5) (Regular Incurve, medium bloom). For more information on chrysanthemum plants in the United States, you can check out 
White "ICICLES" 11A
Bloom time Nov 3 - Nov 23

Pure white Spider Mum with slender tube florets, ending
with tip notched ends.  Disbud to terminal bud.

Vibrant deep golden yellow regular incurve
"DEREK BIRCUMSHAW" forms to a complete ball.

Lovely blooms of "ICICLES" and

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