Tuesday, September 15, 2015

GLADIOLA - Luscious shades of shrimp for arranging

The weekly arrangement for August 23rd found these luscious shrimp-colored gladiola blooming in the garden. The top heavy 48-60" tall stalks are perfect for this 22" vase. Cut stems with some of the bottom flowers blooming, and others still in the bud stage for arrangements that will last over two weeks. If possible, keep cutting the stems shorter when the bottom blooms are spent. I did that to this one after picking it up from the dentist's office after a week, and enjoyed them for an additional week or so. I like to arrange in the evening, then put the arrangement in a refrigerator I have in the garage for flowers, set at 40 degrees, over night. I always use a floral preservative for extra long lasting displays.

Susanne Holland Spicker
Susanne Holland Spicker Mother, Grandmother, Homemaker, Gardener, Teacher, Photographer

Passion is defined as the love of, or the object(s) of affection and emotion. I am passionate about family, friends, flowers, food, photography and fabulous music! This blog is dedicated to those loves.

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