Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Continuing on with the floral arrangements of spring through fall, I take up where I left off:

Herbaceous peony "HONEY GOLD," paired with Siberian irises and a white dome allium make a sunny spring statement in early May. With big, beautiful peony blooms of up to 6-7" across, "HONEY GOLD" is a fully double easy-to-grow herbaceous peony, with white petals and a pure light yellow center, with white intermixed petals in a nice center tuft. Siberian irises "CAESAR'S BROTHER" and rosy purple "SPARKLING ROSE" each have a long vase life, as well as the white allium "WHITE MOUNTAIN," to go with the long vase life of the peony.

As always, cut flowers in the bud stage in early morning hours for a longer lasting arrangement, and use a floral preservative.

Keep out of direct light, and if possible, in a cool place. Snap spent irises off as they age, making sure you have plenty of buds to bloom in the coming days when you cut and arrange.

And, of course, enjoy!
Susanne Holland Spicker
Susanne Holland Spicker Mother, Grandmother, Homemaker, Gardener, Teacher, Photographer

Passion is defined as the love of, or the object(s) of affection and emotion. I am passionate about family, friends, flowers, food, photography and fabulous music! This blog is dedicated to those loves.

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